
Find pleasure and deeper connection. Help us serve others. (We'll give you training if you need it!)



The Coffee and tea time after the service extends our worship of God in a loving way. As Christ has shown hospitality to us (by welcoming us into His family, His kingdom), we are passionate about showing hospitality to one another in this practical way. There is a monthly rotation of teams. Contact anyone who is involved to find out how you can help out!

Prepare the Communion Table

When we have a Holy Communion service, the table needs to be set, which means it also needs to be cleaned up. This is the beautiful service of preparing the bread and wine for the Lord's Supper. In this meal, by faith, we enjoy communion with God and one another through Christ's sacrifice.

Sound board

For the technically-minded, we use a multi-channel soundboard. We love training new people who can adjust the levels, and help set up and tear down the system.

Welcome table

Help people feel welcome on Sunday morning! The Welcome table team is the front door of St. John's Richmond. Help greet people, show the way, answer questions, and make a connection with someone new.

Join a team - Choir

Love to sing with others? Contact our Music Minister Krista Carter on a Sunday morning to find out what's going on with our choir.

Teaching children

One of the most creative and compelling places to be on a Sunday morning is with our children's ministry. They continually amaze us with their observations and what we learn from them is often as profound as what they learn from us. Serve as a helper or a teacher. Training provided; interview and background check required.


Sign up for a team