Church life

SJR Community Groups


Beyond our Sunday Evening Church service, in 2024-2025 there are a variety of opportunities to gather together with our parish community each week - to support one another and grow in our faith, as well as invite others into the same.


For all of the following groups, please contact us and identify the group you want to find out more about. You can also speak directly to one of the leaders named in each group on Sunday evening.

  • Monday Night Family Ministry: Leaders: Krista, Penny and Rosanna. We meet every other Monday night, beginning Mon. Sept. 23, at Trinity Lutheran Church from 6-8pm, for games in the gym, a themed potluck meal and a 30 minute teaching geared for all ages. We finish the evening together with a simple Compline service and lots of singing. This group is open to all families with kids and youth. 
  • Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study: Leader: Krista Carter. We meet every other Tuesday, beginning Sept. 24, via Zoom from 10-11am, to study the Bible and pray for one another. Our study leads us through a series of questions reflecting on the past Sunday sermon. This group is open to all women. 
  • Tuesday Evening Home Group Bible Study: Leaders: Ven. Sean and Penny Love. We meet every Tuesday night from 7-9pm at the Love’s house (No. 1 Rd. & Blundell) to review the sermon from last Sunday and study the upcoming sermon text. We conclude our time together with prayer for one another in the last 30 minutes. We have tea and treats most weeks and occasionally share a meal together before the study. We begin Sept. 10.
  • Wednesday Evening Home Group Bible Study: Leaders: Chris and Reagen Wright. We gather every Wednesday from 6-8 pm (Steveston Hwy near No. 1 Rd.) to study the Bible together, to pray with and for one another, to build friendships, and to support each other in our lives and faith as we continue our journey as disciples of Christ. A safe place to ask questions, to be known, and to grow. Tea & coffee and snacks are usually part of our time together, along with occasional shared meals. All are welcome!
  • Thursday Morning Men's Bible Study: Leader Rev. Guy Bellerby. We have a rotation of men leading a study of the upcoming sermon text each week. This group is open to all men, meeting weekly Thursday mornings from 8-9am, via Zoom.
  • Thursday ESL Women's Bible Study: Leader: Tracey Larter. We meet weekly online via Skype, from 7:30-9pm, working through a series of questions to help engage in the upcoming sermon text taking extra time to define words for those who are ESL or new to the faith. There is time each week devoted to catching up with one another and praying for one another. We meet on Skype so this group is only able accommodate a few more women at this time.
  • Thursday Evening Young Professionals Community Group: Facilitators: Debbie and Prafful; Mariel and Luke. A new Bible Study  group for young adults, students, and working professionals. 
  • Daytime Small Group: Facilitator: Sarah Fleming. Our group of word nerds meets once a week in a home (with varying location, host, and day and time). We love studying Scripture together! We use a systematic approach to our study, and do not follow a study guide.We do like our weekly studies to follow the readings the sermon is based on that week. This group will begin meeting regularly in November, and is able to include a few more people at this time. 
  • Trios: Trios are groups of three, meeting to pray, read the Bible, and support one another. Trios typically meet weekly or bi-weekly. Some trios have been meeting for years. Some trios are new this year. Some trios are actually quartets! If you are interested in forming a new Trio, please contact: Ven. Sean Love.
  • SJR Youth Group: meets most Sunday evenings each month (each week except for monthly Holy Communion, when the youth will stay in for the entire service) and are going through the Book of Acts together. Please contact William & Genesis for more information.
  • Book Club: Coordinator: Louise McConaghy. We meet about once a month - typically on a weekend morning - to discuss a Christian book with some light refreshments. Summer 2024 books included Surprised by Joy, by C.S. Lewis and The Jesus I Never Knew, by Philip Yancy. Our current book for the Autumn is: Everything Sad is Untrue, by Daniel Fayeri, and the group will next meet on Sunday Oct. 27 at 10 am to discuss it. This group is open to all.
  • Arts Group: Coordinators: Chris Wright & Krista Carter. Meets 5-6 times a year for a variety of events. Arts Group is open to anyone with an interest in any form of arts (you don't need to be an artist), and features: discussion & teaching on the intersection of beauty & Christ, art & faith; opportunities to share created art; and Arts events that we make known to enjoy and participate in as we attend together.This group is open to all. 

Arts Group

SJR Arts Group is open to anyone with an interest in any form of arts (you don't need to be an artist), and features: discussion & teaching on the intersection of beauty & Christ, art & faith; opportunities to share created art; and Arts events that we'll make known to enjoy and participate as we attend together.

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