Church life

Beyond SJR


Just as God is relentless in his love for the lost and the least, we seek to share his compassion and grace beyond ourselves. We have found that the more we extend God's grace, the more we experience his grace!

St. John's Richmond serves and supports several local and overseas partners through donations of time and money. Some of our groups are involved directly with some of these partners.


Vancouver Airport Chaplaincy

YVR is Richmond’s largest employer and sees over 20 million passengers annually. The VAC is a key part of the community at YVR, bringing Christ’s love to many employees and travelers in times of distress and joy.


Artizo Ministry Training

For over a decade, St. John’s Richmond has been a training base for over a dozen young leaders who now serve all over Canada and the US. We partner with the Artizo Institute to help train able, faithful, innovative and confident men and women to know and understand the Bible, lead effectively, proclaim the gospel, and be able to train others to do the same.

Part of our mission is to send out most of those we train to other churches. For example, Dan Hsu was an intern at SJR from 2009 until 2011. Dan is now working at Pacific Grace Mandarin Church.

See what he says


Ratanak International

Ratanak International was founded by St. John’s Richmond member Brian McConaghy. We support this mission financially, with prayer, and by people from our church helping locally or in Cambodia. This international organization is dedicated to working with the Khmer people of Cambodia, empowering them to rebuild their country.