St. John's Richmond is a Bible-based, Christian Church located in central Richmond, B.C. We exist to help people around us meet Jesus, and be changed by His love and grace.
St. John's Richmond was established in 2007 with about 60 people and has grown to 100+ children, youth, and adults. We meet at Trinity Lutheran Church at 7100 Granville Avenue, across from Minoru Park.
St. John's Richmond is part of the Anglican tradition. Our roots go back to the New Testament church 2,000 years ago. We are not Roman Catholic (the denomination) but we are catholic which means we are part of the universal church that worships God.
We are part of the diocese of the Anglican Diocese of Canada (ADoC), a continent-wide family of 70+ churches which, like the majority of Anglicans worldwide, remains faithful to established Christian doctrine and Anglican practice.
Members of ADoC are committed to remaining faithful to Holy Scripture and established Anglican doctrine and practices (read more about Anglicanism here). ADoC emerged out of the 'Essentials' movement in the Anglican Church of Canada.
ADoC itself is a diocese in and under the authority of the Anglican Church in North America and part of the global GAFCON movement which represents approximately 70 of the 90 million Anglicans worldwide.
True Christian churches and denominations are centered on Jesus Christ, God who became human, who lived and died and rose again to cleanse us from sin. He brings us into true life and connection with God, ourselves, other people, and his creation.
We are led by two Pastors, a 7-person Staff team, and a Board of Directors. The Venerable Sean Love (B.A., B.Ed., M.Div.) and the Reverend Guy Bellerby (B.A., M.Div.) teach and serve the church. Together with the whole church family they help others know and love Jesus. They actively mentor and train people, including future pastors. They also develop systematic teaching of the Bible and Christian faith for others.
At St. John’s Richmond we treasure all that God has done for us through Jesus Christ. He welcomes us into his family. These values are important to us because they help guide us as God’s family:
Grace: showing forgiveness, mercy and love to others because God has shown his grace to us.
Bible: God’s living word reveals God and his acts in human history.
Community: Christians are part of God’s family, a place of love and welcome.
Growth: God doesn’t leave us as we are, but grows us to be more like Christ.
History: St. John’s Richmond is rooted in the soil of the ancient church in its best practices and learning.