Church life

Baptism, weddings, funerals, and confirmation



In the Anglican tradition, we baptize everyone who is committed, or whose parents are committed, to the ongoing Christian life, from infants to adults. Some preparation for baptismal candidates (or parents and godparents of infants) is required. Baptisms occur regularly in the context of the church family at a Sunday service.


We love weddings! Obviously, the wedding is part of the larger and longer relationship of marriage. Pre-marriage counseling is performed using the Prepare/Enrich curriculum. Couples will be helped to understand the Christian and Biblical foundation of marriage, either through study with mentors or a pastor. We also help you plan an awesome Christian wedding service.



The fact of Easter is an immense comfort to Christians. Jesus conquered death, because it was impossible for death to hold him. His resurrection leads the way for the resurrection of all believers. This will be the foundational message of a Christian funeral. Arrangements can be made for a memorial service through the church office.



As its name suggests, Confirmation is an opportunity for Christians to confirm the promises made at Baptism. Individuals (age 13 and up) make a mature, public affirmation of Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop. Candidates for Confirmation are asked to complete a process of instruction.


Please contact us for more information.