We give in response to the great things God has done for us through Jesus Christ. We give because we are thankful! We also give because we are partners, working as His agents to bring His glory and grace to His world. Jesus says that we are not owners, but managers of resources that God has first given us. This includes our lives, our minds (what we think) and hands (what we do). It also clearly includes our money. It's His money!
The work of St. John's Richmond internally, and for the city and our mission partners, is entirely funded by people like you who give generously and joyfully. For your convenience, offerings can be sent by Interac e-transfer to sjrbank[at]gmail.com and they will be automatically deposited. See other options below.
Also, cheques mailed to SJR are picked up and deposited regularly.
Read Ven. Sean Love's congregational letter describing three ways God's grace works through our generosity.
The general operating fund is approved each year at our annual vestry meeting.
Our ministry budget is comprised of the following: Staff salaries (including pastoral and administrative); Program expenses; Administration expenses (such as printing, insurance, and communications); Facilities expenses (related to our building rental agreement); External outreach (including local and overseas missions agencies); Episcopal Oversight (a gift to our diocese, the Anglican Diocese of Canada [ADoC]); Training (Artizo Apprentices and other internships – helping develop the next generation of leaders).
Download a pre-authorized payment form, print and fill it out, and hand it to our Treasurer.
Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement SJR - fillable
One way to support the ministry of St. John's Richmond in the longer term is to leave a legacy in your will. There may be some significant tax advantages to doing so. If you would like information on how this may be done, please contact your personal financial advisor or talk with our Treasurer, who can point you in the right direction.
All crew, no passengers! We find deeper meaning and purpose in life as we serve Christ by serving others. Training is provided for all these teams.
The most helpful way to give is in a regular committed way: preauthorised debit direct from your bank account (download form, then hand or mail in), regular online giving, or planned and regular giving in the Sunday offering.
If you wish to make an occasional donation to the work of St. John's Richmond, this can be done through online giving or by sending a cheque (payable to St. John's Richmond Church) to us, care of the Treasurer, at 7100 Granville Avenue, Richmond, B.C. V6Y 1N8.
See the Legacies box on this page to find out how you can continue to support ministry through St. John's Richmond long-term.
As a registered charity, donations to St. John's Richmond are tax-deductible.
As well, people who remember the work of SJR in their estate planning have been a great blessing to the church. These kinds of gifts are also tax-deductible.
Our highest area of expenditure is staffing costs, followed by building rental, contribution to the mission of the Anglican Network in Canada (our Diocese), and payments to mission partners.
Our money gets spent across the range of ministries in ways and amounts which are monitored and controlled by the elected representatives of the church, the Directors. This constant review, as well as the publication of monthly income and expenses, and the annual presentation of our accounts ensures we do our best to honour God with the way in which our resources are spent.